Putting students first

A smart way to meet the evolving needs of post-secondary students.

Prioritizing student success

We recognize that everyone learns in different ways. At the heart of our mission is a commitment to enhancing service delivery for students who thrive in an accommodating environment.

Increasing everyone’s productivity

Administrative burdens shouldn’t get in the way of helping students reach their full potential. AccessDeck is designed to benefit everyone: from students, administrators, support staff and faculty, to security and site managers and beyond.

Optimizing resources

Money and time...both need to be spent wisely. Our software will allow you to optimize resources to make student-centric decisions that benefit both today’s aspiring minds, and those of the future. 

You’ll finally get your day back!

Designed in collaboration with Resource Facilitators and Service Coordinators, we provide solutions to common, cumbersome tasks that take up valuable time – time far better spent working one-on-one with your students.


Time Management

We can’t give you more hours in your day...but we can help you maximize the one's you have! Our software is designed to reduce inefficiency and streamline your workflow.



Technology isn’t necessarily one-size fits all. AccessDeck is highly customizable, yet offers an intuitive interface with easy to navigate menus. We've made every design decision with you in mind.


Mobile Friendly

Students love smartphones! Our software works on screens that fit in your pocket. Accommodation requests, scheduling, and communications are handled from anywhere with a few swipes!

Broad browser capability.

All major browsers are supported, including Safari, Chrome, Firefox, and Internet Explorer.

No installation required!

AccessDeck is web-based, so it’s platform-independent. Windows, Mac, Linux, Android...you name it.

Meet AccessDeck

Here are some core features. Need to find out more? Request a demo and we’ll get back to you right away. We’re also happy to customize our software to suit any other needs you may have.


Administrators and support staff have dashboard features which organize items by pending date and importance to provide a high-level view of all events. 


Profiles can be used to track and edit student information, as well as manage proctor, instructor, and support staff details.


AccessDeck can interact with existing databases or you can use our simple API to upload current info. Data is managed for reporting and analytics in the future.


Message templates are a cinch to set up and communications (like confirmations, batch e-mails, and reminders) can all be handled with a few simple clicks.  


Alternative testing accommodations, appointments, writing locations, proctor availability, etc. are all managed through our intuitive interface.


With virtually no learning-curve, AccessDeck is designed to be used and shared by multiple staff and includes easy to navigate help files.

Get in touch!

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